kabelkunst blog

caddy runner 2.0

Posted in neues by maik on 07/04/2011

by Z_K_K

!!! stylish looks !!! fashionable in size !!! prominent in prize !!!

with this great new runner-caddy you will definitly get envious looks in your favourite shopping mall.

feel all the great new features combined in one wonderfull caddy:
_don’t care about shop hours. buy everything you want in no time with up to 45km/h of enormous speed!!!
_keep up your stamina without the hassle of being in an odorous gym side by side with your filthy collegues!!!
_get all the positive sfx of sports and shopping combinde in one handy multitool!!!

z_k_k since 2009 stands for perfect workmanship and never lost a war so far.

get THE NEW CADDY 2.0 RUNNER at your local dealer or order it right here.
we even have the xxl-special edition. having fun with your whole family!!!

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  1. […] laptop oder fitnessgeräte, mit dem neuen zkkabel sparen sie nicht nur wichtige euro, die sie dann anderweitig anlegen können, sondern sie helfen damit auch noch der umwelt und leisten ihren beitrag zu einer […]

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